Seven pilot cross-fertilisation projects involving SMEs and Creative Cultural Enterprises launched in Friuli Venezia Giulia
These are the initiatives selected by the European project DIVA promoting cross-fertilisation initiatives using creative tools and methodologies applied to entrepreneurship
Creazione d'Impresa
Seven pilot cross-fertilisation projects involving SMEs and Creative Cultural Enterprises launched in Friuli Venezia Giulia

The 21 pilot cross-fertilisation projects are smart and innovative, and involve small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and Cultural and Creative Enterprises selected from more than 120 candidates from the call promoted by the European DIVA project in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Slovenia.

Among the 21 projects selected, 7 are from Friuli Venezia Giulia and include those presented by: Tonon & C spa with Border Studio Società Cooperativa, C.D.A. srl – Società Benefit (Benefit Corporation) with MyNet srl – Società benefit, Tonutti Dino & Marco with Simularte, Dform srl with Creea snc, Molino Tuzzi with La Cappella Underground, La Cisile with Ikon srl and Iniziative Edili Bizeta – srl with Agricola Monte San Pantaleone.

The co-creation initiatives between traditional SMEs and Cultural and Creative Enterprises selected by the DIVA call will be supported with a financial contribution (up to €45,000) and will also be able to count on the skills made available by the DIVA Hubs activated in the three reference areas.

The Diva Hub FVG, dedicated to initiatives in Friuli Venezia Giulia, was created by the Area Science Park and Friuli Innovazione, combining experience and methodologies to find solutions and activate innovative connections among the various production sectors.

The DIVA Project, co-financed by the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-20 cooperation programme, promotes cross-fertilisation processes between traditional enterprises and cultural and creative industries using co-design tools and other applied creative methodologies.