InCIMa for Science and SMEs

PROJECT: Internazionale
PROGRAM: Interreg Italia-Austria


Through the InCIMa4 Italy-Austria Interreg European funded project, SMEs can access the cutting-edge research infrastructure for materials characterization. The cooperation between academic and industrial sector will increase companies’ technological and innovation potential and strengthen the cross-border research infrastructure.

The development and characterization of intelligent functional materials are declared goals in the project InCIMa4. Through cutting-edge basic and applied research, the project partners will contribute to SMEs’ innovation in the field of functional materials. In particular, the results of the concluded project Interreg ITAT1023 InCIMa will be put into practice and the joint research infrastructure of the involved partners will be expanded and used across borders.

InCIMa4 for Science will strengthen the cross-border research infrastructure for synthesis and characterization at the mesoscale of functional materials of natural origin. Click here to Meet the Labs.

InCIMa for SMEs aims to increase the innovation potential of SMEs, guaranteeing free-of-charge access to its delocalized cross-border infrastructures for material synthesis and characterization.

There are three Research Institutions in the InCIMa4 network, located in the Interreg Italy-Austria Programme Area: Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, Salzburg University of Applied Science (Salzburg, Austria), and Paris–Lodron University (Salzburg, Austria). All of them have close and mutually profitable industrial collaborations.




Denis Scandella
+39 040 375 5203