ARGO’s Strategy Committee approves new activities for 2021-2023
A comprehensive programme of activities to seize new opportunities, thanks to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan tenders
ARGO’s Strategy Committee approves new activities for 2021-2023

ARGO’s National Committee met in Trieste to evaluate the work carried out so far and approve further activities for the next three-year period (2021-2023). ARGO is a process and product innovation programme coordinated by Area Science Park. The Committee – chaired by Francesco Ciardiello (delegate of the Italian Ministry of University and Research, MUR) and including Giulia Di Croce (delegate of the Ministry of Economic Development, MiSE) and Ketty Segatti (delegate of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Council) – also had the opportunity to visit the Genomics and Epigenomics Platform, the Orfeo Data Center, and the four living labs set up by the IP4FVG digital hub. All this infrastructure was funded by ARGO and plays a role in achieving the programme’s aims. The Committee was accompanied by Caterina Petrillo and Stephen Taylor, President and Acting Director of Area Science Park, respectively. The delegation also included Gabriella Sorace, Gianluigi Sechi, Luciana Grimani and Massimiliano Rudella.


ARGO’s aims are encapsulated within four key areas: Industry Platform 4 FVG (IP4FVG), scientific and technological platforms, eco-innovative industrial facilities, and Labs for Tech. These will see a further boost thanks to the new programme approved by the Strategy Committee.

The activities between now and 2023 will focus on these areas.

Industry Platform 4 FVG

IP4FVG is the Digital Innovation Hub for Friuli Venezia Giulia. It helps businesses and government to respond to the challenges posed by the digital transition, and it is organised into 4 hubs across the region (Trieste, San Vito al Tagliamento, Amaro, and Udine). The new programme of activities envisages: consolidating the hubs’ lab infrastructure; boosting digital transformation within businesses and government; increasing educational activities at various levels; and initiating structured collaboration at both the national and international levels. The “GREEN DIGITAL STEEL” project also deserves special mention for promoting the digital management of steel production processes, with a view to reducing emissions and ensuring that waste products are recycled.

Scientific and Technological Platforms

Area Science Park’s Genomics and Epigenomics Platform and Orfeo Data Center are home to scientific and technological platforms. These will be developed further in terms of the functions of technological transfer, as well as by integrating the available infrastructure and skills offered by ARGO’s regional scientific partners. Businesses will also be involved to a greater extent. Activities relating to data science and artificial intelligence will also be scaled up, including within the fields of genomics and medicine.

Eco-innovative Industrial Facilities (Industrial Innovation Harbour)

In this area, the aim will be to develop methods for strategic planning within the Circular Economy sector. These methods should take into account both European and national frameworks, the experience gained in the three years of work at Trieste’s waterfront, and the specific research which has been carried out. Alongside studies developing industrial symbiosis initiatives, there will also be a number of smart mobility pilot initiatives.

Labs for Tech (High Impact Net)

Over the coming months, the aims in this area will revolve around the integrated management and coordination of the region’s ecosystem supporting innovative start-ups. In order to fulfil this aim, the region’s skills will be evidenced and combined within an ecosystem equipped with advanced services. It will also see the launch of modelling and trial activities; these will encompass various strategic policy areas and will allow businesses to be scaled up and developed within an international context.

Committee President Francesco Ciardiello commented: “The Strategy Committee has proposed that ARGO be extended for another three years. In terms of implementation, I see a particular commitment to the PNRR and to seizing the opportunities offered by this exceptional European resource programme, especially as regards the models that have been chosen for their ability to change lifestyles and society, as well as to target research and manufacturing. There are challenges to come and we must be vigilant, mindful, and prepared for significant changes.”

Giulia Di Croce emphasised: “The Ministry of Economic Development naturally expects that ARGO will bring benefits to the entrepreneurial fabric at both the regional and national levels, thanks to the plans for digital transformation and business innovation. Being able to see first-hand what has been set up over the last three years gives us hope for the future enhancement of a process requiring significant investment.”

“The Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Council believes that digital transition is really important. We must, therefore, enhance IP4FVG”, explained Ketty Segatti. “We will receive more equipment for the living labs, increasing our collaboration with the region’s businesses. Our technological platforms are also important. They are linked to the idea of open labs, which allow increased collaboration between research centres and businesses specialising in areas such as new materials and genomics. Our governance model has been viewed with great interest, as it enhances the collaboration between scientific players, the Regional Council and businesses. It may become the reference model for future PNRR tenders for MUR funding.”

“We were extremely pleased to be part of the first meeting of the Technical Strategy Committee to discuss the ARGO project, which was extended in July this year for another three years”, said Area Science Park President Caterina Petrillo. “It is highly significant that, through this extension, the Ministry of University and Research, the Ministry of Economic Development, and the Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Council hope to see the potential implementation, enhancement and relaunch of a whole series of activities that were started in the first phase. Through this extension, Area Science Park seeks to further integrate ARGO activities into its own three-year plan, with a view to providing activities in line with its strategic objectives.”