The role of Science/Technology Parks and Incubators in Innovation Ecosystems
23-24 May 2017, Greece: Promoting Technology Transfer and Innovation:
The role of Science/Technology Parks and Incubators in Innovation Ecosystems

23-24 May 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece
Workshop on the role of Science/Technology Parks and Incubators in Innovation Ecosystems
Promoting Technology Transfer and Innovation
Focus on the Danube and Adriatic-Ionian Macro Regions and the Western Balkan countries

The main focus of this workshop is the exchange of good practices for the development and management of Science and Technology Parks (STPs) and Incubators in the Danube and Adriatic-Ionian Macro Regions. Issues related to the optimal ownership and operational structure of such facilities will be discussed as well as approaches in terms of sectoral or technological pro le. Exchange of best practices will be facilitated through the exploration of case studies from the region and beyond. The role of STPs and incubators in supporting smart specialisation strategies will also be considered.

The objectives of this workshop are to exchange know-how among practitioners from the region on successful practices in science parks and incubators development and management and to explore and understand the role that these can play in creating value and developing innovation ecosystems. The workshop aims to explore the di erent models for STPs and incubator development and nancing as well as management. It will also consider the role that various stakeholders, both private and public (industry, academia, government, the investment community, etc.) can play to generate a virtuous circle that can accelerate local economic development and drive regional competitiveness. The focus of the workshop is on exploring best practices that can help to tackle issues and bottlenecks that are speci c to the Danube and Adriatic-Ionian macro regions. This workshop is expected to assist in streamlining the technology commercialisation and technology transfer system in all the countries concerned including member states, candidate and neighbourhood countries.

The conclusions of this meeting are also expected to feed into broader political developments, in particular in relation to the Berlin process, and the development and further integration of the economies of the Western Balkan countries. In this respect, it is expected that the outcome of this meeting will feed into discussions to be held at the Berlin Process Summit scheduled to take place in Trieste in July 2017.

Location and co-organisers
Thessaloniki has been selected to host this workshop as an example of a competitive innovation and technology transfer ecosystem for the whole region of the Western Balkans and the new Member States of Bulgaria and Romania. It also lies at the crossroads of two macro-regions: the Danube Region and the Adriatic-Ionian Region.

The event is sponsored by:

  • The European Commission
  • The Region of Central Macedonia, Greece

    The event is organised in association with:

  • The International Association of Science and Technology Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP)
  • The Thessaloniki Technology Park
  • The i4G Incubator
  • AREA Science Park