BRODISE procurers meet the market
27th June, Via Rovello, 2 Milan, Italy
BRODISE procurers meet the market

BRODISE project partners organize three market consultations to meet the EU industry and analyse the technology state-of-the-art in the field of soil decontamination.

All the information about the project and the organization of these events will be made available in due time on the project website (www.brodise.eu) and onto main local institutional websites.

BRODISE is a project funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework program aimed to mobilize public purchasers and soil owners across EU, leveraging their complementary to re- think and re-design their concrete investments and proceedings for the local brownfields decontamination and remediation plans for the coming years.
The dialogue with the industry, conceived as a proactive analysis of supply markets, will be focused on a concrete and common innovation need expressed by the 3 public authorities involved (Bilbao, Trieste and Seixal), affected by serious case of brownfield contamination. The public authorities are interested to find out whether technologies are commercially available and acquire information about the the level of coverage of the desired functionalities and performances.
The BRODISE market consultation will provide crucial inputs to the definition of the joint procurement plan to be submitted to the upcoming Horizon 2020 SC5-26-2017 call « Pre-commercial public procurement on soil decontamination », that would enable the buyers’ group to procure research and development services to create innovative solutions, requesting a contribution from the EU of around EUR 4 million.

The market consultation sessions are conceived and organized with due regard to the principles of openness, transparency, non-discrimination and equal treatment, in line with European procurement law.
Participants and prospective contractors are not expected to submit tenders or proposals at this preliminary stage. The competitive phase of the BRODISE public procurement procedure/s will be (eventually) conducted separately with open and advertised procurement procedure/s.

The market consultation does not lead to any obligations on the part of the contracting authorities involved in the BRODISE project or to any advantages, disadvantages, rights or privileges for the participants. The contracting authorities involved in the BRODISE project are not legally bound in any way by the outcome of the market consultation.
The market consultation will be conducted in the form of oral bilateral consultation. A written contribution (based on a questionnaire) could be provided by the participants to form the basis for more in-depth State-of-the-art analysis and to assure the confidentiality on the information and solutions provided.
In order to best understand the scope of the desired innovation and fruitfully participate to the market engagement activities for any interested party, a “Prospectus” is also published onto the aforementioned websites: this document better describes the pilots characterization and specifically states the innovation objectives that will be pursued. The Prospectus will be a “living document”, which will be updated according to any project progress.

The Italian event will be held the 27th June in the premises of ANCI Lombardia in Milan, Via Rovello, 2 is open to a maximum of 50 participants.

You are kindly invited to register not later than 21th June 2016: REGISTRATION FORM

You will receive an e-mail for confirmation.

Please, find below the draft agenda:
13:00 – 14:00
Light lunch

14:00 – 14:10
The BRODISE Project: goals and perspective (ANCI)

14:10 – 14:20
How to support innovation through public demand in decontamination field
Brodise Innovation Procurement Expert (Sara BEDIN)

14:20 – 14:30
Goals and main expected outputs of the local market event Brodise task leader (Sara BEDIN)

14:30 – 15:15
The brownfield sites description and common needs
Brodise task leader (Area Science Park – prof. Bevilacqua e Francesca Martinis Regione FVG)
15:15 – 16:15
Market Innovation Survey
Brodise moderator (Area Science Park– prof. Bevilacqua)

16:15 -16:30
Coffee break
16:30 – 17:00
Plenary session
Time for questions (the questions of the participants will be recorded during the previous sessions thanks to a dedicated chat)

Please notice that the meeting will be mainly held in English language.