Area Science Park continues its efforts to reduce the gender gap
Second Gender Equality Plan adopted, for the years 2023–2025
<strong>Area Science Park continues its efforts to reduce the gender gap</strong><strong></strong>

Area Science Park continues its efforts with measures targeted at reducing the gender gap in the workplace. Following adoption of the first 2022–2024 Gender Equality Plan (GEP) in 2022, Area Science Park has prepared the new GEP for the three-year period 2023–2025, based on the results of monitoring in the first year of application.

In line with the European Commission’s commitment to building a “Union of Equality”, Area Science Park’s Gender Quality Plan, sets the target of promoting full participation of all people in the life of the Institution, nurturing a culture of respect, combatting gender discrimination and promoting effective gender equality through a series of coherent inhouse measures. The GEP also meets the requirements of the new Horizon Europe Research Programme, which states that institutions wishing to access funds must equip themselves with a Gender Equality Plan from 2022.


For many years, Area Science Park has been committed to promoting gender equality and has been working on conciliation measures. There are many actions and initiatives aimed at eliminating the gender gap and supporting a process of inclusion and active participation of women in the life of the Institution or in the preparation of international projects, for which the theme of gender has become a focus also for output actions and analysis metrics.

Area Science Park also focuses on its role as a benchmark-setter for initiatives promoting women in research and for presenting the world of research as a place offering training and professional development for young women.

Many initiatives have already been implemented by Area Science Park, and there are many more in the pipeline. There is certainly an awareness that it is the time to accelerate the process of integration of the Institution’s policies and initiatives for promoting equal opportunities and adopting measures to build a working environment founded on organisational well-being and free from all forms of discrimination.


Drawn up according to Area Science Park’s specific profile, institutional aims, organisational structure and values, the plan is made up of summary sheets organised by targets related to the five thematic areas (TA) indicated by the European Commission, making the document easy to update and enabling verification of achievements:

  • Work-life balance and organisational culture – TA1
  • Gender balance in leadership and decision-making – TA2
  • Gender equality in recruitment and career progression – TA3
  • Gender-based violence and knowledge-sharing on equal opportunities – TA4
  • Integration of the gender dimension into research, innovation and scientific knowledge-sharing – TA5

Each thematic area has been broken down according to its objectives, activities, tools, contact people/departments, target groups, timeline and result indicators.

The tables and data described in the Plan (updated 31/12/2022) provide a snapshot of where Area Science Park started from on this journey, up to the approval of the document, and establish a benchmark for monitoring the impact and success of the planned actions.

Download Area Science Park’s Gender Equality Plan [in Italian]

Download the 2022 Monitoring Plan [in Italian]