IP4FVG, the Digital Innovation Hub of Friuli Venezia Giulia region, signed EU cooperation framework on new policies for digitizing industry
Subscribed in Madrid, with 24 partners, the guidelines on the role covered by Digital Innovation Hubs in digital transformation policies
IP4FVG, the Digital Innovation Hub of Friuli Venezia Giulia region, signed EU cooperation framework on new policies for digitizing industry

What are the European policies for digitizing industry and SMEs? What is the role of the Digital Innovation Hubs in this process?

These topics have been discussed in Madrid from the 13th to the 15th of November 2019 at the annual edition of the Digitising European Industry Stakeholder Forum, organized by the European Commission and the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism within the Digitalising European Industry initiative (DEI).

Artificial Intelligence and Digital Innovation Hubs – beyond 2020” was the thematic topic of the forum’s third edition.
IP4FVG, the Digital Innovation Hub of Friuli Venezia Giulia region, took part in the initiative with other recognized European Digital Hubs in the forefront of the European policies for digitizing and developing the enterprises.

During the session dedicated to the AI DIH Network initiative – a work team comprising 30 European AI Digital Hubs – IP4FVG has signed with other 24 Digital Hubs a Cooperation Framework setting out the minimum international cooperation standards to sustain industry and SMEs in the digitalization and adoption of new technologies, in particular, artificial intelligence.

Between keynote speeches and participatory discussions, the topic of digitalization, in particular, Artificial Intelligence, and the role of the Digital Innovation Hubs in the digital transformation process, which is shaping Industry around Europe, were discussed at this three-day event in Madrid. Discussions unfolded on finding solutions and resources to channel transformation within a strong, innovative and most of all united industrial ecosystem.

Europe has prioritized for some time the potential offered by Artificial Intelligence in industry, particularly supporting the Digital Innovation Hubs, industrial partnerships and a variety of additional initiatives including funding instruments.

In this perspective, the forum provided an opportunity to present the new guidelines of the Horizon Europe and Digital Europe programs, which in 2020 will be shaped to support investments for the development and widespread deployment of digital technologies.