Event: “Opportunities for intersectoral mobility of researchers and the new call for proposal of TALENTS3 Fellowship Programme” – 22 June 2016
AREA Science Park, Padriciano Campus - 22nd June 2016, 9.30 a.m.
Event: “Opportunities for intersectoral mobility of researchers and the new call for proposal of TALENTS3 Fellowship Programme” – 22 June 2016

“Opportunities for intersectoral mobility of researchers and the new call for proposal of TALENTS3 Fellowship Programme”
22nd June 2016,  9.30 a.m.
AREA Science Park | Padriciano Campus | Congress Centre | Conference Hall

AREA Science Park organizes an event aimed at presenting tools and opportunities at European, national and regional level to support the international and intersectoral mobility of researchers and to strengthen their employability in enterprises and private research centers.During the event, the second call for proposals of TALENTS³ Fellowship Programme will be presented. The Programme is managed by AREA Science Park and funded by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region through the European Social Fund and envisages the assignment of 7 mobility fellowships to expert researchers. A National Contact Point for the Marie Curie Actions and representatives from EASME (the Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises of the European Commission) and CRUI Foundation – Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities, together with 2 TALENTS first call researchers, will animate the roundtable focus on programmes, instruments and experiences on human capital valorization.

One-to-one meetings with the NCP for Marie Curie Actions (from 2 to 4 p.m.) will be available upon reservation on first-come first-served basis.  



9.30   Registration

9.45  The regional initiatives for the qualification of human capital, Annalisa Viezzoli, Department for Education, High Training and Research, Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region

10.00  TALENTS3 Fellowship Programme: the new call of proposals, Mia Tomad, AREA Science Park

10.15  European programmes and intersectoral mobility of researchers, Marco Ferraro, APRE Roma – Agency for the Promotion of the European Research

11.00   ROUND TABLE “Mobile researchers between academy and industry: opportunities at European, national and regional level”

Moderator: Ilaria Pierdomenico, Welcome Office FVG and EURAXESS Services Centre, AREA Science Park

European strategies and the “Horizon 2020 SME Innovation Associate for Researchers” Initiative, Alessandro Quadri, EASME – Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, European Commission

The “PhD ITalents” Project, Natalia Paganelli, CRUI Foundation – Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities

Intersectoral mobility and career development, Slavko Kralj, University of Trieste, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Department

Interdisciplinary research projects and international mobility, Špela Ledinek Lozej, University of Udine, Language, Literature, Communication, Education and Society Department

12.00  Q&A

12.30  Closing remarks



FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Mia Tomad | phone: +39 040 3755157 | mia.tomad@areasciencepark.it