Efficiently energetic: case studies of the AREA Science Park in Azerbaijan
The mission of the INNOVER-EAST European project to increase collaboration between the EU and countries beyond the European eastern border

Three days of training and meetings  about “Energy Efficiency” issues, starting with case studies linked to new technologies, to the innovation support in companies and to the creation of new businesses. A large number of topics  were analysed in Baku, Azerbaijan in the context of the training course organised by the INNOVER-EAST European project – “Building a more effective pathway leading from research to innovation through cooperation between the European Union and Eastern Partnership countries in the field of energy efficiency”.

The main objective of INNOVER-EAST is to  increase the collaboration between the EU and the countries of the European Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine) in the sector of energy efficiency, promoting the innovation chain through good practices and favouring the adoption of innovative products and solutions. The idea is to start with a map of processes to get to the formulation of solutions that are useful to the transfer of knowledges and the creation of new companies.

To this end, pathways involving advanced training are envisioned, such as the one held by the AREA Science Park in Azerbaijan, dedicated to the creation of private companies and energy efficiency. On this occasion, in particular, the technologies developed in the context of “Enerplan”  a strategic project financed by AREA and the Ministry of the Environment  were explained, as well as the PATRES project for the introduction of regulations  related to renewable energy in public buildings, BUMP – dedicated to Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, FIESTA for energy efficiency in private dwellings and Adriacold for air-conditioning of the environment using solar cooling technology.