Nanotechnologies: the NFFA-Europe PILOT project kicks off
Coordinated by the Italian National Research Council’s Institute of Materials (CNR-IOM), the project will conclude in 2026
Alta Tecnologia
Nanotechnologies: the NFFA-Europe PILOT project kicks off

The NFFA-Europe PILOT project has got off to a start, extending until 2026 NFFA-Europe, which came to an end in 2021. The project, coordinated by the Italian National Research Council’s Institute of Materials (CNR-IOM), constitutes a unique opportunity for the nanoscience and nanomaterial community, since it creates a distributed research infrastructure integrating “nano-foundry” laboratories with European large-scale research facilities for fine analysis of matter. As of the beginning of March, the consortium has been extended from nineteen to twenty-two partners and also includes nine “third parties” as scientific service providers.

NFFA–Europe PILOT will enhance the open-access platform to enable the conducting of multi-method projects with multidisciplinary users.

Transnational access at laboratories is supported by joint activities directed at strengthening and implementing the research infrastructure, focusing in particular on interoperability between the various laboratories: on the one hand, new tools will be developed to offer to users, on the other, importance will be given to the production of research data compliant with FAIR guidelines, in order to improve availability, accessibility, interoperability and reuse of digital resources.

All this will represent an innovative offer for industrial users to use the infrastructure too.