CES 2020: under review applications received for in the third mission “Made in Italy, the Art of Technology”
The initiative is dedicated to the innovative startups and small and medium enterprises wishing to present their products/services at The Global Stage for Innovation in Las Vegas (deadline on 31 July 2019).
CES 2020: under review applications received for in the third mission “Made in Italy, the Art of Technology”

Made in Italy, the Art of Technology” is back, the Italian mission that will take particularly innovative startups and small and medium enterprises to CES, the largest consumer electronics and technology tradeshow, organized in Las Vegas on January 7 -10, 2020.

It is now under review the list of application received for this third mission of Italy to CES. We will shortly contact the selected Innovative enterprises.

An Innovative enterprise can be:

  • An Enterprise at a pre-launch stage – i.e., that is about to launch a new product;
  • A previoulsy started enterprise – i.e. an enterprise with new products launched on the USA market, and/or an innovative enterprise with one or more products already marketed in the USA and generating a turnover, and that have already gathered, or are searching for, funding from investors.

Priority will be given to the enterprises developing products and/or services intended for one of the following sectors: Mobility, Smart Transportation, Automotive, Industry 4.0, BioTech, MedTech, FashionTech, AgroTech, FoodTech.

The mission “Made in Italy – The Art of Technology” started in 2017 on the initiative of its founders TILT, Teorema Engineering (leading innovation enterprise in Italy) and Area Science Park (National Research Agency). The 2020 edition is organized in collaboration with ITA (Italian Trade Agency), e-Novia, Cariplo Factory and B Heroes.



TILT is an ecosystem of local mastery and excellence, thriving on the collaboration of the Public Administrations and the private sector; it is dedicated to young people, startups and innovative enterprises in the Information Technology segment. Established on March 1st, 2016, TILT has organized the first two Italian official missions to CES. TILT will provide the participants in “Made in Italy, the Art of Technology” with all the required services and support to achieve the best possible results from such a unique educational and commercial experience as the CES tradeshow is. The sole purpose of this initiative for the benefit of startups is the diffusion of the technological culture. The initiative is not for profit.