CNR-IOM: Cryo stage enables electron microscopy to expand into the biological, biomedical and agri-food fields
This new instrument, which is unique in Italy, is part of Area Science Park’s initiative to strengthen its Open Lab research infrastructure
Alta Tecnologia
CNR-IOM: Cryo stage enables electron microscopy to expand into the biological, biomedical and agri-food fields

The new Cryo stage was unveiled at the Italian National Research Council’s Institute of Materials (CNR-IOM) in Trieste. Inserted inside an electronic microscope, the instrument enables samples with a content of water to be analysed, thus extending the field of application of electron microscopy to the biological, biomedical and agri-food sectors. In particular, Cryo stage, the only instrument of its kind in Italy, increases the functions of the scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and focused ion beam microscopes (FIB) already used by the Institute’s laboratories, as part of an initiative to enhance Area Science Park’s Open Lab research infrastructures.

SEM and SEM/FIB systems are microscopes that provide very high resolution images generated by interaction of a nanometer-sized electron or ion brush with the sample. In addition to showing the sample’s appearance, these instruments can provide chemical and structural information or can channel down to observe the sample’s internal structure.

“With this instrument it is finally possible to observe biological samples without having to dehydrate them first” explains Marco Lazzarino, researcher at CNR-IOM and in particular at the 3M group, who was in charge of assembling the instrument and is now responsible for it. “The sample’s water content is frozen very quickly, enabling its structure to be observed unaltered. Scanning electron microscopes can thus also be employed to study foams, polymers, electron beam-sensitive materials, hydrogels, cells, tissues and materials in solution. The technology is also very useful in microbiology to study viruses. While using focused ion beam microscopes, we can literally cut samples into slices to see how they are made inside”.

Cryo stage also plays a role in the development of materials for implants and prostheses in the field of regenerative medicine and for the food industry. It is the first instrument of this type in Italy, while abroad it is already widely used to study food industry products, in particular, for example, a well-known ice cream company uses it to study the optimal consistency of its products.

The Open Lab initiative – thanks to which the tool was acquired – is aimed at networking and opening up research infrastructures, including by providing access to third parties to carry out experimental activities and applied and industrial research projects.

After a short commissioning period, it is expected that the instrument will be available for external users by autumn. From then on, researchers and companies wishing to analyse their samples will be able to access the instrument in various ways, via:

  • the Area Science Park website, or by sending an email to openlab@areasciencepark.it;
  • the project portal NanoRegion, financed by the ITA-SLO Interreg programme directed mainly at small and medium-sized enterprises present in the programme area, without, however, excluding from the outset large enterprises located in other European regions;
  • the project portal Nanoscience Foundaries and Fine Analysis (NFFA) Europe, which coordinates the world’s largest network of research laboratories active in the field of nanotechnology and is aimed at European and international researchers;
  • the Nano Manufacturing facility at CNR-IOM, which offers access to the micro and nanomanufacturing infrastructures at Area Science Park.


For information:

Maddalena Furlan, Area Science Park: maddalena.furlan@areasciencepark.it, 040 3755115

Marco Lazzarino, CNR-IOM: Lazzarino@iom.cnr.it, 351 8716710